


冀教版英语四年级下册期末检测卷1时间: 60分钟 满分: 100分



第一部分 听力(40分)一、听录音, 选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)

三、听对话,选择与其意思相符的选项。(10分)()1. A. My favourite colour is yellow. B. My favourite colour is blue.()2. A. There are twelve months in a year.B. There are seven days in a week.()3. A. I like to play computer games.   B. I like to listen to music.()4. A. I’m 1 metre tall.   B. I’m ten years old.()5. A. I go to school by bus.   B. I go to school by bike.四、听短文,完成表格。(10分)
1. ________ the first
2. ________ and windy
Favourite clothes
3. ________
Like to do
4. ____________
Favourite food
5. ________
第二部分 笔试(60分)五、根据图片及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子。(5分)

1. —Is it w        in your city?   — Yes, it is.2. I like to listen to m       . What about you?3. —When is your b       ?   —It’s May the third.4. —Where is my cat? —It’s on the c        .5. —How many desks are there? —There are f      desks.六、从括号中选择正确的词补全句子。(5分)1. I like__________ (sing / to sing) songs.2. How many________ (chairs / chair) are there?3. It is cool and ________ (rainy / rain).4. December is the________(twelfth / twelve) month of the year.5. ________ (They / Their) favourite clothes are dresses.七、读一读,选一选。(10分)()1. —Where is Mary? —She is ________ the desk and the blackboard.A. betweenB. behindC. under()2. —How do you go to school? —________ foot.A. At  B. Walk  C. On()3. My favourite clothes ________ skirts and noodles________ myfavourite food.A. is; is  B. are; is  C. are; are()4. —________ is your father? —He is 40.A. How tall  B. How many  C. How old()5. ________desk is this? —It’s Li Ming’s.A. Whose  B. Who’s  C. How’s八、给下列对话选择合适的图片。(10分)

九、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1. How old are you?________________________________________________________________2. How tall are you?________________________________________________________________3. How’s the weather today?________________________________________________________________4. How do you go to school?________________________________________________________________5. When is your birthday?________________________________________________________________十、选择合适的句子补全对话。(10分)

Mr. Li: Hello. I’m your new teacher, Mr. Li. What’s your name?Steven: Hi! 1. ________Mr. Li: Nice to meet you.Steven: 2. ________Mr. Li: I live in the school. What’s your address?Steven: 3. ________Mr. Li: What’s your favourite subject?Steven: 4. ________Mr. Li: What’s your favourite food for lunch?Steven: 5.  ________Mr. Li: Have a nice lunch!十一、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分) (建议用时: 5分钟)My name is Jack. It is Thursday today. The weather is warm and sunny. I get up at 7: 00 in the morning. Then I have breakfast. I like milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I go to school on foot. Mr. Wang is our new teacher. He is thirty­one years old. He lives far from the school. So he goes to the school by car. He likes to play basketball. I like him very much.()1. What day is it today?A. Tuesday. B. Friday. C. Thursday.()2. How’s the weather today?A. It’s cold and snowy.   B. It’s hot and sunny.C. It’s warm and sunny.()3. How old is Mr. Wang?A. He is 30.   B. He is 31.   C. He is 13.()4. Does Mr. Wang go to the school by car?A. Yes, he is.   B. No, he doesn’t.   C. Yes, he does.()5. What does Mr. Wang like to do?A. Play basketball.   B. Play football.   C. Play ping­pong. 




时间:60分钟 满分:100分





听力部分 (40分)


A. blackB. whiteC. greenD. yellowE. red

F. MarchG. SeptemberH. NovemberI. MayJ. April

正确顺序: 1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________

6. ________7. ________8. ________9. ________10. ________



()1. A. I like shirts. B. I like skirts.

()2. A. How tall is she?  B. How tall is he?

()3. A. Where do you live?  B. Where does he live?

()4. A. Would you like some noodles?B. Would you like some vegetables?

()5. A. It is sunny today. B. It is a sunny day.


笔试部分 (60分)

五、根据图片提示将下列句子中的单词补充完整。 (10分)


()1. Look at________ pictures.

A. that B. these C. this

()2. Can you________ a bike?

A. riding  B. rides  C. ride

()3. ________ is the first day of the week.

A. Sunday  B. Tuesday  C. Wednesday

()4. ________ name is Mike.

A. His  B. He  C. I

()5. Nice________ meet you.

A. to  B. too  C. with

()6. Mr. Li ________ play ping­pong.

A. like to  B. like  C. likes to

()7. They are my ________.

A. friend  B. a friend  C. friends

()8. —How does he go to school? —He goes to school ________.

A. by the car  B. on bus  C. by car

()9. —What's your favourite ________? —English.

A. clothes  B. subject  C. food

()10. —What does Zhong Nanshan,the famous(著名的)doctor,like to do?

—He likes ________.

A. play basketball  B. to play basketball  C. plays basketball


1. This is a________________(sun/ sunny )day. It's warm.

2. It's twelve o'clock. It's ________________(lunch /dinner) time.

3. —Is this________________(you/your)pencil?

—No,it is________________(Danny/Danny's).

4. —Where________________(is/are) Danny?

—He is in front________________(of/with)the tree.

5. How many_____________(book/books)are there___________(on/with)my desk?


Jenny: Hello, Kate! I'm Jenny. Welcome to our class!

Kate: Thank you, Jenny!

Jenny: I'm ten years old. 1. ________

Kate: I'm ten, too. When is your birthday?

Jenny: 2. ________

Kate: 3. ________ You're older than me.

Jenny: 4. ________

Kate: I live near the Yellow Park. 5. ________

Jenny: My address is 98 Brown Street.

Kate: Is that near the Hua Restaurant?

Jenny: Yes. 6. ________

Kate: Me, too! I like the food in the restaurant.

Jenny: How do you come to school?

Kate: 7. ________ Do you also walk to school?

Jenny: 8. ________

Kate: What do you like to do?

Jenny: 9. ________

Kate: We can play ping­pong together after school.

Jenny: 10. ________  


()1. 你朋友想知道你住在哪儿,他/她应该这样问:

A. Where is your classroom?   B. Where do you live?

()2. 当你想知道你的朋友多高时,你可以这样问:

A. How tall are you?  B. How old are you?

()3. 妈妈想知道她的钢笔是否在桌子上,你可以这样回答:

A. Yes, this is. B. Yes, it is.

()4. 当别人邀请你吃东西你不想吃时,你可以这样回答:

A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you.

()5. 当你想问别人这是谁的尺子时,你会这样用英语说:

A. Whose ruler is this?  B. This is my ruler.



My name is John. I'm a boy. I am ten years old. I'm in China now. My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor. I like Chinese food. I have a nice room. There's a bed, a desk and a chair in it. I have many books. I like to read books in the evening.

()1. John is ________.

A. a boy B. in China C. Both A and B.

()2. John's mother is ________.

A. a teacher  B. a doctor  C. a worker

()3. John likes ________.

A. Chinese  B. Chinese food  C. donuts

()4. John has a ________ room.

A. nice  B. big  C. small

()5. John often reads books ________.

A. at school   B.after class   C.in the evening


 时间:60分钟 满分:100分





三、听录音,给下列句子排序。(10分)A. How many books are there in your bag?B. Danny is in front of Steven.C. How's the weather in June?D. Kim is 1. 45 metres tall.E. My favourite school work is singing.1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________四、根据录音,完成表格。(10分)
Favourite subject
Li Mei
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
5. ____________
笔试部分 (60分)五、根据图片和首字母提示,补全单词完成句子。(10分)

六、单项选择。(10分)(  ) 1. —What's your favourite colour?—________ is my favourite colour.A. PE           B. Skirt          C. Blue(  ) 2. There are twelve ________ in a year.A. weeks        B. months        C. days(  ) 3. We like skirts, but ________ like shorts.A. he        B. I        C. they(  ) 4. —Where is my chair?—It's ________ the desk and the blackboard.A. beside       B. in        C. between(  ) 5. December is the ________ month of the year.A. first        B. twelfth        C. eleventh(  ) 6. —________ boys are there on the playground?—There are 30 boys.A. How old        B. How tall        C. How many(  ) 7. —________ is Mr. Wood?—He is in the library.A. When        B. Where        C. What(  ) 8. —How tall are you?—I'm ________ tall.A. 1. 4        B. 1. 4 metres        C. 1. 4 metre(  ) 9. —How do you go to school?—I go to school ________.A. by bike        B. on feet        C. by my bike(  ) 10. My favourite subject ________ English.A. is        B. are        C. am七、判断下列句子与所给图片是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)

八、连词成句。(10分)1. birthday Whose is July in_________________________________________________________________?2. fly I like kites my with friends to__________________________________________________________________.3. Danny's Is pencil this_________________________________________________________________?4. colour is My brown favourite__________________________________________________________________.5. likes She read books to__________________________________________________________________.九、选词填空。(10分)
Hello, I'm Danny. ____1____ is my favourite colour. My favourite ____2____ are shorts. I don't like math. ____3____ is my favourite subject. I like hamburgers for ____4____. My favourite school work is to ____5____ with my friends. What about you?十、阅读理解。(10分)It's Sunday today. The weather is warm and sunny. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming go shopping on the Park Road. It's not far. So they go there on foot. Li Ming wants to buy (想要买) some crayons. He likes to draw pictures. Jenny wants to buy a blue skirt. Her favourite clothes are skirts. What's her favourite colour? Blue. What about Danny? He wants to buy some donuts and ice cream. Because he is hungry and thirsty.(  ) 1. What day is today?A. Monday.          B. Sunday.         C. Saturday.(  ) 2. How do they go to the Park Road?A. By bus.       B. By bike.       C. On foot.(  ) 3. What does Li Ming like to do?A. He likes to play games.        B. He likes to draw pictures.C. He likes to buy some donuts.(  ) 4. What are Jenny's favourite clothes?A. Skirts.       B. Blue.       C. Shorts.(  ) 5. What does Danny want to buy?A. Some crayons.               B. A blue skirt.C. Some donuts and ice cream.










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